ProgramSunday, June 25 17:00 – 21:00 Registration and welcome reception (Cañas y Tapas Nantes, Parc des Chantiers, 7 Rue René Siegfried, 44200 Nantes)
Monday, June 26 (Centrale Nantes, Bldg. S, Amphi S) 08:00 Registration 08:30 Opening Remarks
Kinematics (session chair: Andreas Pott, University of Stuttgart, Germany) 09:00 Pose-Estimation Methods for Planar Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (S. Gabaldo, E. Idà, M. Carricato) 09:20 Manipulability Analysis of Cable-Driven Serial Chain Manipulators (Nakka, Sanjeevi, Vashista, Vineet) 09:40 Advances in the use of neural network for solving the direct kinematics of CDPR with sagging cables (J-P. Merlet) 10:00 Kinetostatic Modeling and Configuration Variation Analysis of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots on Spherical Surfaces (L. Jin, T. Taha, D. Gan)
10:20 Coffee Break
Cable Modelling (session chair: Darwin Lau, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong) 10:50 FEM-based Dynamic Model for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Elasticity and Sagging (K. Moussa, E. Coevoet, C. Duriez, M. Thieffry, F. Claveau, P. Chevrel, S. Caro) 11:10 Absolute nodal coordinate-finite element formulation of cables for dynamic modeling of CDPRs (C. Bouzgarrou) 11:30 Statics and Path of the Cables of a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot Wrapping on Surfaces (Xiong, Hao, Xu, Yuchen)
Workspace I (session chair: Philippe Cardou, Université Laval, Canada) 11:50 Model-Based Workspace Assessment of a Planar Cable-Driven Haptic Device (M.B. Schäfer, S. Weiland, L. Worbs, I.T. Khaw, P.P. Pott)
12:10 Lunch
Industrial talk 14:00 Industrial talk I: Rbot9 - Our Journey Commercializing our Industrial Cable Robot. (A. Fréchette, P. Deschambault) Abstract: The presentation will detail our journey to commercialize our cable robot, starting from the initial prototype to the final industrial product. We will explain the technology and highlight key design decisions. Additionally, we will provide specific use cases to demonstrate how our technology can benefit targeted sectors.
Workspace II (session chair: Philippe Cardou, Université Laval, Canada) 14:30 Payload Placement on board a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with Workspace including Tilt (J.-B. Izard) 14:50 Comparison analysis of tendon-driven manipulators based on their wrench feasible workspace (N. Testard, C Chevallereau, P. Wenger) 15:10 On the Cable Actuation of End-Effector Degrees of Freedom in Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (J.-B. Izard, M. Gouttefarde)
15:30 Coffee Break + Poster Session 1
Control and Dynamics I (session chair: Jean-Pierre Merlet, Inria, France) 16:30 A Practical Approach for the Hybrid Joint-Space Control of Overconstrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (V. Mattioni, E. Idà, M. Gouttefarde, M. Carricato) 16:50 Brief Review of Reinforcement Learning Control for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (P. Nomanfare, L. Notash) 17:10 Force Control of a 1-DoF Cable Robot Using ANARX for Output Feedback Linearization (M. Hamann, V. Höpfner, C. Ament) 17:30 Energy-Efficient Control of Cable Robots Exploiting Natural Dynamics and Task Knowledge (B. Deroo, E. Aertbeliën, W. Decré, H. Bruyninckx) 17:50 Modeling, Simulation, and Control of a "Sensorless" Cable-Driven Robot (A. Durmaz, Ö Albayrak, P. Ünal, M.M. Ankarali)
Social Activities 19:00 – 22:00 : Dinner at Little Atlantique Brewery (23 Bd de Chantenay, 44100 Nantes), https://little-atlantique-brewery.fr/
Tuesday, June 27 (Centrale Nantes, Bldg. S, Amphi S) Control and Dynamics II (session chair: Ryan Caverly, University of Minnesota, USA) 08:30 Validation of Emergency Strategies for cable-driven parallel robots after a cable failure (R. Boumann, C. Jeziorek, T. Bruckmann) 08:50 Stability Analysis of Profile Following by a CDPR using Distance and Vision Sensors (T. Rousseau, N. Pedemonte, S. Caro, F. Chaumette) 09:10 Comparison of explicit and implicit simulators for a tendon-driven robot (N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger)
Industrial talk 09:30 Industrial talk II: XD motion - Aerial Filming and multi-dimensional tracking solutions (B. Dentan)
10:30 Coffee Break
Design I (session chair: Marco Carricato, University of Bologna, Italy) 11:00 A Design Method of Multi-link Cable Driven Robots Considering the Rigid Structure Design and Cable Routing (Y. Guo, D. Lau) 11:20 A Predictor-Corrector-Scheme for the Geometry Planning for In-Operation-Reconfiguration of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (F. Trautwein, T. Reichenbach, A. Pott, A. Verl)
12:00 Lunch
Technical Visits (session chair: Zane Zake, IRT Jules Verne, France) 13:20 Departure by bus from Centrale Nantes to IRT Jules Verne 13:45 Visit of IRT Jules Verne, discussions and exchanges (https://www.irt-jules-verne.fr/en/irt-jules-verne/)
Social Activities 16:00 Visit of "Les Machines de l'Ile, Nantes", https://www.lesmachines-nantes.fr/en/ 19:15 Conference Banquet (Dinner/cruise on the Erdre river), Pl. Waldeck Rousseau, 44000 Nantes
Wednesday, June 28 (Centrale Nantes, Bldg. S, Amphi S) Design I (session chair: Marco Carricato, University of Bologna, Italy) 08:30 Variable Radius Drum Design for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots based on Maximum Load Profile (J. Bieber, D. Bernstein, M. Beitelschmidt)
Design II (session chair: Dongming Gan, Purdue University, USA) 08:50 Reconfiguration and Performance Evaluation of TBot Cable-Driven Parallel Robot (J. Duan, H. Liu, Z. Zhang, Z. Shao, X. Meng, J. Lv) 09:10 Development Methodology of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots Intended for Functional Rehabilitation (F. Ennaiem, J. Sandoval, A. Laribi) 09:30 Transmission Systems to Extend the Workspace of Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (F. Behroozi, P. Cardou, S. Caro) 09:50 Toward the Creation of a Hybrid 4-UPS CDPR (P. Sanford, A. Mathis, J.A. Carretero, S. Caro)
10:10 Coffee Break
10:40 Effect of antagonistic cable actuation on the stiffness of symmetric four-bar mechanisms (V. Muralidharan, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger, N. Testard) 11:00 Tensegrity-Inspired Joint Can Protect From Impacts by Isolating (J. Walter, L. Rothfischer, R. Stierstorfer, T. Nemoto, J. Franke, S. Reitelshöfer)
Calibration and Accuracy (session chair: Juan Antonio Carretero, University of New Brunswick, Canada) 11:20 Dynamic Parameter Identification for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (T. Rasheed, L. Michel, S. Caro, J.-P. Barbot, Y. Aoustin) 11:40 Forward Kinematics and Online Self-Calibration of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots With Covariance-Based Data Quality Assessment (R. Caverly, K. Bunker, S. Patel, V. Nguyen) 12:00 Elasto-Static Model and Accuracy Analysis of a Large Deployable Cable-Driven Parallel Robot (Z. Zake, N. Pedemonte, B. Morinière, A. Suarez-Roos, S. Caro)
12:20 Lunch
Application (session chair: Tobias Bruckmann, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) 14:00 A Warehousing Robot: From Concept to Reality (A. Khajepour, S.T. Mendez, M. Rushton, H. Jamshidifar, R. Qi, A. Pazooki, L. Durali, A. Soltani) 14:20 IPAnema Silent: A CDPR for Spatial Hearing Experiments (C. Martin, M. Fabritius, C. Lehnertz, P. Jurasic, J.T. Stoll, M.O. Ernst, W. Kraus, A. Pott) 14:40 Experimental Study on Thrustered Cable-Suspended Parallel Robot for Collaborative Task (K. Hayashi, Y. Sugahara, Y. Takeda) 15:00 The Robotic Seabed Cleaning Platform: An Underwater Cable-Driven Parallel Robot for Marine Litter Removal (M. Gouttefarde, M. Rodriguez, C. Barrelet, P.-E. Hervé, V. Creuze, J. Gorrotxategi, A. Oyarzabal, D. Culla, D. Sallé, O. Tempier, N. Ferrari, M. Chaumont, G. Subsol) 15:20 A Cable-Based Haptic Interface with a Reconfigurable Structure (B. Poitrimol, H. Igarashi)
15:40 Coffee Break + Poster Session 2
16:40 Awards ceremony
17:15 Closing remarks and Cocktail
19:00 End of the conference |
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